
WSN: Postdoctoral Position at PNL

From: Mark A. Thompson <ma_thompson@ccmail.pnl.gov>

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION:  The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
at Pacific Northwest Laboratory has a postdoctoral position with Dr. 
Mark A. Thompson in the Molecular Theory and Modeling Group available

The research involves development and use of hybrid quantum mechanical/
molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods for studying chemical reactions 
occuring in solutions and enzymes.  Chemistry of interest will include 
both photochemical and nonphotochemical processes. Sample publications
are:  J. Phys. Chem. vol 98 p 10465 (1994)
      J. Phys. Chem. vol 99 p 6347  (1995)

The applicant must have significant experience and motivation in the 
DEVELOPMENT and use of quantum mechanical methods (ab initio, DFT, or 
semiempirical).  Experience in simulations and thorough knowledge of
statistical mechanics is highly desirable.  

Applicants should email a resume to ma_thompson@pnl.gov or mail to the 
address given below.  Applicants should also arrange for two letters
of recommendation to be sent to the US mail address given below.

Postdoctoral appointments are made through the Association of Western
Universities (AWU) for a minimum of one year and are renewable for an 
additional year.

Mark A. Thompson                    
Senior Research Scientist                    email:  ma_thompson@pnl.gov
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory  FAX  :  509-375-6631
Pacific Northwest Laboratory                 voice:  509-375-6734
PO Box 999, Mail Stop K1-90                  WWW  :  http://www.emsl.pnl.gov/
Richland, WA.  99352