
WSN: Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, 3-7 Sept 1995

From: Prof. J.P. Simons <jpsimons@vax.ox.ac.uk>

                 3RD - 7TH SEPTEMBER, OXFORD, ENGLAND

 International Advisory Committee.
 A Aguilar-Navarro (Spain),  V Aquilanti (Italy),   J A Beswick (France),
 M J Hubin-Franskin (Belgium),  J Reuss (Netherlands),  E W Schlag (Germany)

 Local Organising Committee.
 J H D Eland (Oxford), D Field (Bristol), G Hancock (Oxford),
 I Powis (Nottingham), J P Simons (Oxford), T P Softley (Oxford)

 Invited Speakers and Programme.
    Day 1.
     Photon Induced Dynamics in the Gas Phase.
       M N R Ashfold (Bristol),  H Bitto (Zurich),  R J Gordon (Illinois),
       D E Manolopoulos (Nottingham), J Vigue (Toulouse), C Wittig (USC).

    Day 2
     Spectroscopy and Photon Induced Dynamics at Interfaces.
       P Guyot-Sionnest (Chicago), C D Bain (Oxford)  
     Photon Induced Processess and Molecular Spectroscopy in Extra-
     Terrestrial Environments.
       J P Maier (Basel),  J Tennyson (London)

     Tour of Oxford University

   Day 3.
     Photon Induced Processes and Spectroscopy in the Vacuum U-V.
      F Penent (Paris),  U Becker (Berlin), C de Lange (Amsterdam)

     Atoms and Molecules in Intense Fields
      M H P Hutchinson (London), B Friedrich (Harvard)

    Tour of Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
    Day 4
    Spectroscopy and Photon-Induced Dynamics in Van der Waals 
    Complexes and Clusters
     G Delgado-Barrio (Madrid), P Felker (UCLA), C Jouvet (Orsay),
                                   B von Issendorf (Freiburg)

    Photon-Induced Processes and Molecular Spectroscopy in Condensed Phases
     J Schmidt (Leiden), N Schwentner (Berlin), D Klug (London),
                              J Knoester (Groningen)

    Banquet in Trinity College

  Boards will be 1.2m x 1.2 m in area. Those wishing to present posters
are asked to send one page abstracts as soon as possible in standard 
A4 format (21 x 29.5 cm with ample margins for binding).


   The British Vacuum Council may be able to provide student bursaries
and application forms should be requested directly from The Secretary,
British Vacuum Council, 47 Belgrave Square, London SW1X  8QX.

  The lecture sessions will be held in the Physical and Theoretical
Chemistry Laboratory (PTCL) in the centre of Oxford and on Day 3, at
the nearby Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

  Most delegates will be housed in traditional student rooms of Trinity
College, about 5 minutes walk from the PTCL; most are single rooms but
some twin rooms are also available (separate bedrooms with shared
sitting room). The city is easily accessible by coach or train from
London (about 1 hour), or from Heathrow (about 1 hour) or Gatwick 
(about 2 hours) airports. The college is easily reached by local bus from 
the railway station or on foot from the bus station. NO special car-parking 
facilities can be provided. 

    The afternoon of day 2 will include a tour of the University town.
Guided tours of the Colleges will be available and (weather permitting)
punting trips on (hopefully not in) the river Cherwell. Registration for 
these activities will be on arrival. Facilities for informal music making
will also be available; delegates who play portable instruments are 
encouraged to bring them.

    The registration fee including the cost of abstracts and excursions,
will be 150 pounds. The inclusive accommodation charges, including the 
banquet and all meals, from arrival on Sunday evening, 3rd September
to departure on Friday morning, 8th September, will be 250 pounds. The
attached registration form should be sent as soon as possible to:

   8th European Workshop
   Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory
   South Parks Road
   Oxford OX1 3QZ,   England              FAX: +44 1865 275410
   e-Mail: JPSimons@vax.ox.ac.uk