Re: authorship of Hebrews--Ionic?

kdlitwak (
Sun, 09 Feb 1997 13:15:20 -0800

Carl caught my mistake. Imeant to write Priscilla, NOT Aquila. My
defense is that I spent from about 9 AM to 11:15 PM yesterday with only
two meal breaks and an hour off to take my eldest boy to the dentist,
struggling through Lucian , How to Write History, 53-55, and Thucydides
1.1. After all that, with innumerable language puzzles unresolved,
perhaps I may be forgiven my error. IF this is what it's goig to take
to do classical Greek, maybe it's good I've avoided it until now. I
thought it wold be easier than reading unpointed Deas Sea Scrolls, but
now I'd say that's a toss-up, and with the prospect of tenpages of
Josephus to do, I'm prety depressed. I know that word order in Greek
isn't pe se important, but it ight be nice if Lucain could at least put
the parts of the direct object somewhere near to each other. Lucian
reminds me moreof reading German than Greek.

Ken Litwak

Ken Litwak