Advice for Summer Greek Minicourse

Kevin W. Woodruff (
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 19:49:42 -0500 (EST)

Friends and Scholars of B-Greek and Bible Lists:

I have been approached about teaching a summer modular course in our
seminary called "Greek Study Tools for Those with Little or No Greek
Training". Any advice as to what I should try to cover, how much I should
try to cover, techniques, text-book suggestions, tips, etc. would be greatly
appreciated. The course will be a twenty-hour, one week course. I have a
burden to show the ones taking it the value of Greek, but fully realize that
I cannot turn them into Greek scholars. Has anyone else taught a course
similar to this? How successful was it? What should I look out for. Any
suggestions from pastors as to what they would like to know? I want to make
this as practical as possible. Any caveats?

Kevin W. Woodruff
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Cierpke Memorial Library
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary
1815 Union Ave.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
423/493-4252 (office)
423/698-9447 (home)
423/493-4497 (FAX) (preferred) (alternate)