Re: 1st year Greek grammars & workbooks

Bill and Ginger Dickson (
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 06:28:39 +0400

>Within the next fews weeks I plan to teach beginner Greek to a group of
>men in our church. I've done this before using Machen's grammar and no
>workbood, and Goetchius' grammar and workbook.
>I am open to seriously considering alternatives. I would appreciate any
>feedback. I have looked at Mounce's grammar and workbook and Summer's.
>Anybody have input on either of these, or on something else? Thanks.
>Paul S. Dixon, pastor
>Ladd Hill Bible Church
>Wilsonville, Oregon

I recommend with the greatest enthusiasm Wenham's 44-chapter grammar. Two
chapters per week represents a challenging but reasonable pace for most
highly motivated students. The exercises are excellent. Upon successful
completion of the grammar, students are qualified to translate the New
Testament without any great difficulty.


The Rev. Dr. R. William Dickson
Chaplain of All Saints Episcopal School
Tyler, TX