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Re: Meta Model of a Language

On Mon, 26 May 1997 14:43:13 -0700 Lex Kuhta 
<lexkuhta@mail2.deltanet.com> wrote to B-Greek:

>I am interested in Clayton Bartholomew"s idea of a meta model.
>Has anyone tried to make such a meta model of NT Greek? 
>What does it look like? Any sites where we could view one?  
>Lee Martin mentioned writing a grammar of Hebrew so I thought I'd throw
>out an idea. In trying to "get" hebrew, I came upon the analogy of
>identifying Hebrew word forms in the same way a submarine commander
>would identify boats seen in his periscope - by their "profile." 
>For example, if XXX stands for the three consonants of a root word,
>then, reading right to left:

You may find this is similar to the work of William Sanford LaSor found 
in his _Handbook of Biblical Hebrew_, a BH primer based on an inductive 
study of Esther. I launched my Biblical Hebrew by taking Fuller 
Theological Seminary's 10 week beginning Hebrew summer course in '81 
immediately after graduating UCLA with my BA in classical Greek and 
Latin. (I highly recommend their Beginning Hebrew course which 
successfully crams one traditional year's worth of Hebrew, into 10 weeks 
by using LaSor's approach. You learn the linguistic patterns of 
inflection, vowel changes, and accentuation for Hebrew, rather than 
simply memorize endless paradigms in the traditional approach which 
doesn't focus as much on how the vocalizations change from strong verbs 
to weak to "hollow", etc. 

He uses CCC for the triliteral root (read left to right) and lays out his 
Hebrew paradigm and inflection pattern charts with this sort of CCC 
patterning with prefixes and suffixes appended. This is a great way to 
come to classify and understand the changes in vowel pointing, 
accentuation, etc. of verbs you have seen rarely, if ever before.

LaSor also developed a shorthand system sometimes referred to as "LaSor's 
numbers" for both Hebrew and Greek. For instance: A Qal perfect 3rd 
person masc. sing verb is noted as G10 (G=ground stem, 1X [ten's place in 
the number] indicates the  "tense" [1X=perfect, 2X imperfect, etc.], X0 
["one's" place in the number] indicates a 3rd masc. sing., X1=3rd fem. 
sing., X3=2nd person, masc. sing, etc.). Have I made this simple system 
seem complicated enough? 

He also produced a Biblical Greek primer which I understand is patterned 
along the same lines, but I never picked up a copy of this primer or had 
a chance to experience B-Greek the LaSor way.


Rev. Randy Nepsund

Faith Lutheran Church (ELS)
14819 Jones-Maltsberger
San Antonio, TX 78247
(210) 494-7800 office
(210) 494-6874 home