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Re: 1 Jn 2:19 and universal negation - yes!

At 6:51 PM -0700 6/5/97, Paul Dixon - Ladd Hill Bible Church wrote:
>I agree with Jim that 1 Jn 2:19 is "conclusively" a universal negation,
>but not because of the OU+VERB+PAS  construction (which may yet support
>this), but because of logical reasons.
>The last part of verse 19, "but that they may be manifest that OUK EISIV
>PANTES EC HMWN, is the contrapositive of the immediately preceding
>conditional, "if they had been of us, then they would have remained with
>us."  For those of you unfamiliar with this reasoning - the contrapostive
>is the only universal negation implied by a conditional ("If A, then B"
>implies the universal negation "if not B, then not A").

Surely you don't mean that

	If Fido is a dog, then he is a canine
	[If A		, then B]

implies the universal negation

	If Fido is not a dog, then he is not a canine
	[If not A	    , then not B]

do you?

Micheal W. Palmer				   mwpalmer@earthlink.net
Religion & Philosophy
Meredith College

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