The Rev. Dr. R. William Dickson (asaint@iamerica.net)
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 16:39:12 -0500 (CDT)

I am of the opinion that one of the finest works on the LXX is *La
Septuaginta en la Investigacion Contemporanea* (V Congreso de la IOSCS)
editado por Natalio Fernandez Marcos (Textos Y Estudios, 'Cardenal
Cisneros' de la Biblia Poliglota Matritense Instituto, Madrid, 1985) But
the best discussions on the particular manuscripts of a given section are
in the intros of the various volumes of the Gottingen LXX. Swete is still
a good introduction. The survey discussion in the IDBS by Tov and Kraft is


The Rev. Dr. R. William Dickson
Chaplain, All Saints Episcopal School, Tyler, TX
wk asaint@iamerica.net
hm caregrp@ballistic.com