Re: John 1:3 Who is AUTOU?
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 20:47:00 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Craig:

<< Yes, as you say, it does seem clear, however is it not at least
possible, given that punctuation of any kind in our manuscripts is a
relatively late innovation, that John might be making (for example) a
parenthetical statement in verse 3 about the Father's work. >>

I don't think that would fit well in this context, for the discussion is
centered on hO LOGOS. But the punctuation issue is a very interesting
discussion indeed! In fact, I had intended to post something regarding the
punctuation of 1:3, and now seems like a good time. Actually, it will have to
wait until Monday. But it should prove interesting.

<<You see, I
am uncomfortable with statements like "it seems clear enough..." What
may seem clear enough to me, may not seem clear at all to someone else.
I like to be able to say, "This is the way it is and this is why." Of
course, I understand that that is not always possible with human
languages and scholars may honorably disagree about interpretations in
many cases. >>

I think we can conclude for a certainty that AUTOU refers to the LOGOS, since
hO LOGOS is the subject of the previous clause, the focus of John's
discussion, and is elsewhere in Scripture given the same role as outlined

Talk to you soon!

Greg Stafford
University of Wisconsin