Re: Movable nu, iota subscript

Carlton Winbery (
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 20:50:22 +0400

Ward Powers wrote;

>1. Is there any explanation for why SWiZW has this subscript iota in the
>durative tenses, but not anywhere else?

SWiZW seems to employ three stems, SWD, SWID, and SW. The W and I
diphthongize to Wi in the present system and in one form of the perfect
middle/pass, SESWiSMAI. In the present the D + the semivowel I (usually
written with a half circle under it) = Z. In the future and aorist the S
causes the D to drop. The SW stem is used in the perfect and sixth
principle part. Another verb that acts much like SWZW is XRHiZW with a
present stem of XRHID or XRAID.

>2. Are there any other words with iota subscript for inclusion in Category
>3, or is there even a Category 4? Or does the above cover everything?
MEMNHiSKOMAI - The basic stem MNH is reduplicated in the present and ISK is
added for the present. H + I becomes Hi.

I think you have covered all I can think of.


Carlton Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Pineville, LA 71359