Re: Expositor's GNT

Edward Hobbs (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 13:04:56 -0500 (EST)


You wrote-->>>>>>>>>

What other commentaries give good, detailed analysis of the Greek text? I
have tended to have a bit of an inductive bias, and until fairly recently, I
have generally avoided using commentaries because I wanted to wrestle with
the text myself first, and I've rarely found the time to do the next step.

I am now using Swete's commentary along with a few others for the Sunday
School class I'm teaching on the Revelation. None of the others give as much
detail on the Greek text as Swete. What other commentaries should I be
looking at for the Revelation?


You should look at an old standby, R.H.Charles' 2 volumes in the ICC

DON'T bother with the Anchor Bible commentary, by a very nice lady, sweet
and well-meaning (an old acquaintance) -- the commentary verges on being

Not a commentary in the usual sense, and not focussed on the Greek, is
Austin Farrer, _A Rebirth of Images_. You will love it, or you will hate
it--but you won't forget it.

Edward Hobbs