Re: Expositor's GNT

Jeffrey Gibson (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:10:58 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Jonathan Robie wrote:
> What other commentaries give good, detailed analysis of the Greek text? I
> have tended to have a bit of an inductive bias, and until fairly recently, I
> have generally avoided using commentaries because I wanted to wrestle with
> the text myself first, and I've rarely found the time to do the next step.
> I am now using Swete's commentary along with a few others for the Sunday
> School class I'm teaching on the Revelation. None of the others give as much
> detail on the Greek text as Swete. What other commentaries should I be
> looking at for the Revelation?


In addition to Charles' ICC, as Edward suggested, look at Caird's
contibution to the Black's series and see now the 2 vol work by David
Aune in the Word Commentary series (on the whole an extremely valuable
series). If your German is up to snuff, there are the old Meyer
commentaries as well as the new series. For a review of the virtues and
vices of series in English and German, check out Fred Danker's
_Muktipurpose Tools_.
