TO SKOTOS vs H SKOTIA and 1John 1:5-6

lakr (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 15:28:44 -0800 (PST)


I have been studying first John lately and have come upon
these two words. In verse 5 there is no SKOTIA (H SKOTIA) in God
and in verse 6 we are not to walk 'EN TW SKOTEI' (TO SKOTOS).

I looked this up in Liddle Scott and in BAG, and did not
see anything obvious.

A brief search of the GNT appears to show that both forms
are used for apparently the same meaning -darkness-, but
the fact that these two forms are used in such close
proximity in 1John 1:5-6 intrigues me.

Also, since this is a memorization exercise for me, any
information, even folklore at this point would be useful
to help me differentiate between the two forms.

Larry Kruper