Koine versus Classical Greek

Edgar Krentz (ekrentz@lstc.edu)
Thu, 14 May 1998 09:27:27 -0500

Jay Treat has developed a web site on the differences between Koine and
classical Greek. Members of b-greek might find this useful. Its URL is


He uses the Scholars Press SPIonic font. Since this font is available free
for MAC, Windows, and UNIX computers, it would be a good as a standard font
for WWW sites.

* Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament *
* Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago *
* 1100 EAST 55TH STREET *
* CHICAGO, IL 60615 *
* Tel: [773] 256-0752; (H) [773] 947-8105 *
* *
* Reply to: ekrentz@lstc.edu (office) *
* or emkrentz@mcs.com (home) *