RE: grammars: Hewett, Voelz, etc.

Edgar M. Krentz (
Sun, 17 May 1998 17:44:35 -0600

> I'd like to thank those that responded
> Based on the responses I'm going to pass on the good word
> for Young + Dana (or Voelz) + Rienecker.
> but having got used to ATR and BDF I'll suffer with them
> on the very British basis that although they may be useless
> for learning anything they are good for "developing character"
> After all one has to respect a grammar that has an entry on
> aposiopesis but fails to give a table for conjugating LUW!!
> Best regards
> Steven

ATR, BDF, and MHT are fundamental works of Greek grammar of the NT from
which one can learn a great deal.

I do not see the point in using what are basically introductory grammars,
e.g. Voelz (a student of mine) for first learning the language as a
supplement to another introductory grammar. Why walk in baby steps a second
time. As 1 Peter puts it, you should move on to adult food, either one of
the intermediate grammars or the three listed in the first paragraph of my
response. Don't waste time relearning from an introductory text!!! ;-)

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Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, IL 650615
Telephone: (773) 256-0752
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GHRASKW AEI MAQWN. I grow older, learning all the time.
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