Re: grammars: Hewett, Voelz, etc.

Edgar M. Krentz (
Sun, 17 May 1998 17:37:43 -0600

>Chuck's message ends:
>So I highly recommend Greek, An Intensive Course by
>>Hansen and Quinn.
>>Chuck Tripp
>>Kodiak, Alaska
>Yes, Hansen & Quinn is the Cadillac of beginning grammar books. It's very
>demanding but very thorough, and the second volume is an extremely useful
>reference. And if you work through the exercises, you'll have read
>substantial chunks of Plato!
I agree about this one with Mary/. But I would add that there is an
exceellent beginning [classical] Greektext by a woman professor of Classics
at St. Olaf College (Name escapes me).

And for individual learning on one's own I would also suggest the Greek
course put out by Cambridge University Press (also for classical Greek).

And Chuck's(?) comment that classical Greek is not that far from Koine is
right on target. Any suggestion that Koine--by which people on this list
too often mean Greek in the NT, an extremely short-sighted view-- is
somehow or other a unique language without continuity with the whole
history of Greek is just plain wrong. It deserves to be banished from
b-greek into Limbo. Pardon the homiletical comment, possibly preaching to
the choir.

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Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, IL 650615
Telephone: (773) 256-0752
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GHRASKW AEI MAQWN. I grow older, learning all the time.
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