
Re: Kamelios vs. kamilios

Sterling Bjorndahl notes:
>...Or it could be intentional.  [On a less serious note:] After all, how do
>you get a camel through the eye of a needle?  By first putting it through a
>meat grinder (or food processor) and straining it through the needle bit by
>bit.  How's that for a starting point for a fire-and-brimstone sermon on
>the evils of wealth?  ;-)
>I apologize if I have offended any animal rights people.

I seem to recall G.K. Chesterton dealing with this passage in exactly the same
way.  Where might that have been?  _Orthodoxy_?  (Sorry, but I'm at work,
and I must keep the temptations posed by Chesterton et al. safely at home!)

Mark F. Williams                                Internet:  WILM@calvin.edu
Classical Languages                          Voice:  (616) 957-6293
Calvin College                                   FAX:     (616) 957-8551
Grand Rapids, Michigan
USA       49546