
"Through the Faith of Christ" Gal 3:26

In her article, "pistis christou", *NTS* 35(1989), p.324 Morna Hooker

"An eighth passage may be added to our list [of occurances of *pistis
Christou*] if we accept the reading of P46 in Gal 3:26, which concludes:
*dia pistews Xpistou*"

For the life of me, I can't work out what she means!  My UBS NT (2nd Ed,
1968) makes no mention of the variant reading in Gal 3:26, Metzger makes
no reference to it in his *Textual Commentary*, and the only commentary
I have on Galatians (Lightfoot, 1900) also makes no refernce to it.

Am I hopelessly out of date, is it a typo, or have I missed something
obvious?  Please help!




Timothy Gaden            
