
Re: Request for information

   I have used Goetchius, Machen, and Hewett (and a few others) as text-
books over the last several years.  It really depends a lot on you
as to what kind of text you choose:  your background, interests, etc.
Machen is simple but dated, Goetchius is more complete and better grounded
in linguistics (but has a lousy workbook), Hewett has good exercises from
NT but gets wordy.  I am using William Mounce, _Basics of Biblical Greek_
for the second year now.  It's the most user friendly grammar I have found,
though I'm not happy w/ how it treats participles.  Mounce's grammar is
openly evangelical, which you may or may not like.  And there are lots of 
computer aids you can get with his approach.  Others will certainly 
have different ideas.  These are mine.
Gary D. Collier
University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology