
b-greek-digest V1 #57

b-greek-digest            Monday, 25 December 1995      Volume 01 : Number 057

In this issue:

        Re: Birthday/baptism and chronology
        GOD BLESS Y'ALL!


From: Timothy Bratton <bratton@acc.jc.edu>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 00:31:19 -36000
Subject: Re: Birthday/baptism and chronology

On Sat, 23 Dec 1995, Will Wagers wrote:

> Dr. Timothy L. Bratton     writes:
> >     Astronomers and historians prefer using B.C.E. ("before the
> >common era").  Thus a non-Christian can use B.C. dating without
> >formally recognizing Christ's claims by pretending that the
> >practice is merely a cultural artifact.  It smacks of "political
> >correctness" to me, although one can rationalize that it _really_
> >stands for "before the Christian era."   Another possible reason
> >for the new terminology is that Dionysius Exiguus, writing about
> >A.D. 530, calculated that Jesus was born in _ab urbe condita_
> >("from the foundation of the city," i.e. Rome) 754, which became
> >A.D. 1.  Actually, Jesus probably was born between 7 and 2 B.C.,
> >but Dionysius' mistake is now so fixed in historical chronology
> >that we're stuck with it.  B.C.E. thus becomes little more than
> >an arbitrary, but useful, yardstick based on Dionysius' labors.
> Astronomers prefer BCE because the system has a year 0. This makes
> calculations simpler. This system is preferred by some historians and
> mathematicians for its orthogonality.
> The historical convention omits the year 0, so the transition from BC
> to AD skips from December 31, -1 to January 1, 1.
> So, there is a difference of 1 year between BC and BCE dates.
> CE and AD dates are the same.
> I hope this eases your mind and softens your heart towards all
> those "heathen" astronomers and historians who are slyly
> ignoring Christ's claims.
> Will

Dr. Timothy L. Bratton			bratton@acc.jc.edu
Department of History/Pol. Science	work: 1-701-252-3467, ext. 2022 
6006 Jamestown College			home: 1-701-252-8895
Jamestown, ND 58405		        home phone/fax: 1-701-252-7507

	"All ignorance is dangerous, and most errors must be dearly 
paid.  And good luck must he have that carries unchastised an error in 
his head unto his death." -- Arthur Schopenhauer.

Dear Will,
	I repent in sackcloth and ashes.  This will teach me not to dash
off a reply from the top of my head without an adequate reference library
at hand!  Your explanation is the correct one; given all the mental
compensations I do with astronomical software for traditional B.C. dates,
the facts should have been staring me in the face.  However, I _have_ seen
some articles where P.C. types complained about the "cultural imperialism"
of the B.C. dating system, although whether I can find them again in the
"black hole" that passes for my office remains to be seen.  By the way,
what is the status of the archeoastronomy E-mail section that you were
planning to start some months ago? 


From: "Edgar M. Krentz" <emkrentz@mcs.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 15:11:43 -0600
Subject: Greetings 

A blessed Christmas to all from

Edgar Krentz, New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615
Tel: 312-256-0752; FAX: 312-256.0782


From: Mike Adams <mikadams@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 13:06:25 -0800


Mike, Ellen
Connie, Jessica, Jessica and Katie


End of b-greek-digest V1 #57


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