Re: Fwd: John 1:1c

Date: Tue Aug 08 1995 - 02:08:55 EDT

-- [ From: Alan R. Craig * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

Hello Mr. Conrad:

> I think the real reason why nobody who has been regular on this list
> tackled this question is that there was an exhaustive discussion of
> precisely this verselet and all the questions of the anarthrous
> noun QEOS in it in the late winter or early spring. I think that
> everything which anybody wanted to say was pretty much said then.
It's a
> shame we don't have a public archive for the list; I think I can put
> together the entire correspondence for that thread and send it to you
> off-line if you would like, but I really don't think people want to
> rehearse the very extensive discussion from earlier in the year.

No, I am not particularly interested in how some might have discussed
and/or exchanged their views on what this verse (in particular, clause
c) means. I am simply interested in having someone help me gather
together those clauses (from all possible Greek sources) which parallel
this clause---meaning, those which have the precise word order
(sentence structure), that is, not just in the use of the anarthrous
predicate noun but those which are also found precede the verb and the
subject noun.

If you can help with this, I'd very much appreciate it.
Thanks for your interest and offer,
Alan Craig.

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