Re: subscribe

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Thu Nov 16 1995 - 08:47:30 EST

At 7:31 AM 11/15/95, Robert Groover wrote:
>subscribe b-greek
>I hope this won't hit the list (and I apologize if it does), but
>I don't have any other address for this list, and I would like
>to subscribe.
>I'm a rusty Classics major trying to keep my Greek current for Bible and
>patristics - I've found (as I guess we all have) that the Greek is
>indispensible to accurate reading. I've got basic references here
>(Kittel and L&S), but nobody to talk to about them (a common problem
>outside of academia), so I'm quite excited about this list.
>Robert Groover (PGP key on request)
>Member ECS, AVS, ACM, OSA, Sen.Mem.IEEE, Reg'd Patent Atty
> "All men by nature desire knowledge."

This won't work, as it goes to the whole discussion list. Your subscription
must be sent to:

By the way, are you familiar with John H. Randall Jr.'s comment on that
line from Aristotle's Metaphysics? "It's obvious that Aristotle never had
any experience of American undergraduate college students."

It will be good to have you aboard.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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