Re: Word Order Ephesians 1:1

From: Mike Adams (
Date: Mon Dec 04 1995 - 09:55:19 EST

You wrote:
>The following is found in Ephesians 1:1. I am courious as to why the
>difference in word order between the N26 and TR Greek manuscripts in
>following phrases:
>paulov apostolov cristou ihsou (N26)
>paulov apostolov ihsou cristou (TR)
I quote Metzger's "Text of the N.T." (3rd ed, p 192)
"The category of errors of the mind includes those variations which
seem to have arisen while the copyist was holding a clause or a
sequence of letters in his...memory between the glance at the
manuscript to be copied and the writing down of what he saw there. In
this way one must account for the origin of a multitude of changes
involving the substition of synonyms, variation in the order of

>What major effect on translation might this difference have if any?

None that I know of.

Ellen Adams

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