Re: Inerrancy discussion

From: Russ Reeves (
Date: Thu Dec 07 1995 - 20:28:19 EST

> Anyone who doesn't believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures DOESN'T believe
> in Christ, or God for that matter. Part of believing in Christ, is believing
> his divinity, which includes the characteristic of omnipotence. How could an
> omnipotent being fail at anything, including giving us a nonerrant scripture?
> I think you may be confused on what it may mean to believe in

Though off-topic, it might be of interest to mention that New
Testment scholar J. Gresham Machen (whose conservativism, strict
confessionalism, and belief in inerrancy can hardly be faulted),
would have disagreed. "There are many who believe that the Bible is
right at the central point, in its account of the redeeming work of
Christ, and yet believe that it contains many errors. Such men are
not really liberals, but Christians; because they have accepted as
true the message upon which Christianity depends." J. Grehsam
Machen, _Christianity and Liberalism_, 75. It must be strenuous work
to out-fundamentalize Dr. Machen.

Promising to stick to greek next time,

Russ Reeves (whose M.A. thesis on Machen makes the same point)

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