
From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Thu Dec 07 1995 - 12:07:06 EST

It's a slow night. I am a bit confused. I am being told that there must
be an inerrant text of Scripture or I have nothing to base my faith on.
Some even say I can't be a Christian without believing (I suppose that
means give mental assent to) in an inerrant text. But they also tell me
that the texts that are inerrant are the original autographs which I can't
quite get to. Woe is me for I am in a pickle. I can't be saved without an
inerrant text and we haven't yet found the autographs. If anyone finds
them, fax them to me quick!

Calton L. Winbery
Prof. Religion
LA College, Pineville, La

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