From: Mark Penner (mark.penner@jemanet.or.jp)
Date: Mon Dec 18 1995 - 01:57:00 EST

What is the translational significance of ANDRES in Luke 1:16 and 2:14
when Peter begins an address? I always thought that since greek has
ANQROPOS, ANDROS and GUNH were strictly gender related. 1:16 wasn't a
problem, since ANRES ADELFOI can just be translated "brothers," since
the brothers are all men. I'm provisionally translating 2:14 "men of
Judea and Jerusalem," but wonder if perhaps this is some kind of formula
for beginning a speech that has nothing to do particularly with gender.
Can anyone help me out with this one?

Mark & Mary Esther Penner CBInternational
                                                 Tokyo, Japan

 * RM 1.3 02234 * Without my ignorance, your knowledge would be meaningless

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