Re: Lexicons for the LXX

From: Dusty Garison (
Date: Mon Jan 22 1996 - 17:07:12 EST

Kenneth Litwak wrote:

> After suffering through a chapter of the LXX weith the big LSJ,
>I'm looking for a better alternative for my purposes.

Kenneth, I have had good luck reading the LXX and using the abridged
Liddell/Scott, printed in 1976. I don't know if you'll be able to find it
or not, or even if it's still in print. You might try some of the used
religious book dealers. It weighs decidedly less than a two-year-old.

Someone else may have a better suggestion.

Best Regards,
Dusty Garison

P.S. Please don't anyone flame me. This is my first post to this group,
and I'm not sure of the exact procedures.

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