Lexicons for the LXX

From: Kenneth Litwak (kenneth@sybase.com)
Date: Sun Jan 21 1996 - 10:52:43 EST

    After suffering through a chapter of the LXX weith the big LSJ,
I'm looking for a better alternative for my purposes. First, it's very bulky
and the words I want are often buried in another entry. Second, it
seems to generally contain little LXX-specific transaltions (and I doubt the
accuracy of "pour on" for the the meaning of PROSXES in Ps 16:1).
So I have two specific questions. First, given the lack of LX-specific
material in the half-ton version, and how long it takes to
find stuff, and the fact that I have ten days to translate nine more chapters from the
LXX and then need a lexcion to use during an exam which may include LXX
sight-reading, can I a) get about the same level of LXX help from the
Int. LSJ; and b) I'm thinking of using the Grrek Lexicon fo the
LXX by Lust, et al. Before I buy the lattter, which I may do regardless
of the exam issue since I expect to spend by far the lion's share of my time
in the LXX, rather than extra-bibical Greek, does anyone have any comments on

    If it was a matter of a word here or there, I wouuldn't care, but
I had to look up five words in Ps 161 alone! That's too much back pain from
the big LSJ. It weighs more than my 2 yr old.

Ken Litwak
Bezerkley, CA

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