The Envelope, Please

From: Tony Prete (
Date: Fri May 03 1996 - 16:44:47 EDT

I am happy to announce that Paul J. Bodin and Davis Phillips are the winners
of the hidden "can you find the mistakes" contest contained in my last post.
(That's a rough translation; the actual "greek" said: Arrrrrrrrrrrrg. How
could I have made such dumb mistakes. But don't tell anyone.)

So, assuming all of you know that "UNSCRIBE" is Olde Inkdish for
"UNSUBSCRIBE," and the web-site address I cited surfs you down into the
*real* "deep" (Gen. 1:2), not that wadi that Benchley was pushing on TV last
week, I will creep off to my boiler room, repair the plate, and go back to
my lurking.

[If none of the above makes any sense to you--and God knows it made little
enough to me--here's what it really means:

Instead of the web site address that was in my earlier post:


use the one provided by Davis Phillips:

The "unscribe" thing you'll have to work out for yourself. Eudora's
spell-ckeck suggested "unscrew," which may have some merit........but it's
not the answer.]

Peace and strength,
    Tony Prete
    Haddonfield, N.J
    (609) 428-1203.


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