Re: Finite verbs

Date: Thu May 09 1996 - 09:33:20 EDT

Marion Fox here:

It is my understanding that the subject of a Greek finite verb is in the
nominative case. Do you have a cite of some accepted authority to prove
this point?

In addition, does this mean that the subject is either a nominative case
(noun, pronoun, adjective, or articular participle).

It is also my understanding that the ending of the finite verb are the
remnants of Greek pronouns and that these endings function as the subject
of the verb. If this is true does this mean that these endings are
pronouns and they are the subject that is in the nominative case or does it
have to take another word in the nominative case?

I understand that the subject could be either stated or elliptical but if
it is elliptical must it be in the nominative case?

Would it be possible for someone to give me some documentation on this? I
cannot find these questions discussed in the books to which I have access.

Marion R. Fox
Engineering Science Department
Rose State College
6420 SE 15th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73110

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