Re: Grammars and ponies: Complete Handbook

From: Davis Phillips (
Date: Wed Jun 19 1996 - 18:50:32 EDT

Ken (and b-greek),
  Here are a couple of suggestions:
  (Ken Litwak wrote: "Also, are there aids for translating these other,
classical Greek works? I suppose there's not analytical lexicon for
Thucydides, is there?")
   You may wish to obtain a copy of "Complete Handbook of Greek Verbs" by
N. Marinone and F. Guala, originally printed in Italy 1961, but reprinted
in Canada and U.S.. It is sold by Schoenhof's Foreign Books, Inc.,
Cambridge, MASS. I have ordered books from them by mail-order.
76A MOUNT AUBURN ST, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138-5051 (tel 617-547-8855)

 It is a small-size handbook of 352 pages of parsing of verbs, omitting
present tense: "In this collection we present more than 13,000 Greek verb
forms... [ignoring 8,000 verbs which occur only in present tense]. Also
compounds have not been included." I purchased my copy when I visited the
bookstore at St. John's College in Santa Fe about 1989 for $11.95. It
should still cost less than $20.
   I have not used it a lot, but have found it useful when I DID go look
for a verb form that was puzzling me. (Has anyone else on b-greek used
this book?)

(2) Loeb Classical Library.
  (Ken Litwak wrote: > I may be in a seminar next Spring that will focus
on Hellenistic
>historiographers. This will likely include everything from Thucydides (whose
>Greek I hear is VERY tough) to Josephus and beyond. I've had three years of
>NT Greek, but I'm wondering what intro work to consult to help me prepare
>for this
>steeper mountain. )
  The Loeb Series has greek text with English translation on the facing page.
  After reading the Greek NT and LXX for about 10 years, in 1981 I bought
the Loeb edition of Xenophon's Anabasis and was pleased to find I could
read it with much enjoyment, using the Loeb edition. I gradually acquired
a small library, and have found the Loeb series has enabled me to become
familiar with all kinds of Greek writing, from Homer to Clement of
  I have found Xenophon, Aristotle, Aesop, Euclid, Plato, Herodotus, Lysias
to be much clearer reading than Thucydides or Josephus. Although Josephus
was writing almost at the same time as the NT, I find his Greek more
'strange' than many authors who wrote several centuries earlier.

(3) The Penguin book of Greek verse, introduced and edited by
   Constantine A. Trypanis, Greek text with plain prose translations of
   each poem. Penguin Books (1971) lxv, 630 p.

    This is an excellent volume that provides experiences of the whole
range of Greek from the Homeric age to the modern day, with much emphasis
on the classics.
  There are some very fine hymns by Romanos (about the 6th century, if I
recall aright). There perhaps 80 pages of the best of Homer.
  Paperbound, it only costs about $10.

Best wishes.

 Davis Phillips, Senior Systems Analyst, College of Liberal Arts
 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 USA
 Phone: (512) 471-4141 FAX: (512) 471-4518

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