From: Theresa J List (
Date: Mon Jul 15 1996 - 00:27:00 EDT

On Wed, 10 Jul 96 11:06:53 -0500 writes:

>Also (and only tangentially related to this discussion), what about
>patroness role in the early church? We read of wealthy women in
>Hellenistic religious settings who sponsored religious groups: what of
>women in the church who did the same? And how would that relate to
>discussion of deaconesses, if it relates at all?
>Grace and peace,
>Perry L. Stepp, Baylor University

Greetings from a modern-day deaconess! I didn't have my coffee this
morning either, but are you suggesting that the Christian diaconal
office was "just" a position of patronage? Were that so, I would
question why Phoebe is the only deaconess mentioned by titile, whereas
other rich women such as Lydia are mentioned, but not called

Deaconess Theresa List
Latino Missionary@large
MN S district of the LC-MS

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