Re: APOSTASIA in 2 Thess 2:3

From: Steven Cox (
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 13:18:47 EDT

        Hi Bill
        Jerome also uses DISCESSIO in Acts 21:21 so it
        seems unlikely that his use in 2 Thess 2:3 has
        any more positive flavour, and the Acts use
        is not spatial but (in James' view) doctrinal.

        James speech in 21:20-25 is a defence of the
        Law entirely couched in Mosaic terms; therefore
        it might be worthwhile identifying the Mosaic
        references underlying APOSTASIA in the NT.

At 11:26 97/07/12 -0400, wrote:
>I am doing some work on APOSTASIA in 2 Thess 2:3. Some have interpreted it as
>a spatial departure and thus a reference to the Rapture of the church. H.
>Wayne House has an article in which he says that in the Vulgate, Jerome
>translated APOSTASIA with the Latin DISCESSIO. The use of DISCESSIO supposedly
>indicates that Jerome had a spatial departure in mind. Can someone help me on
>this or is there a patristics list where I might find some help?
>Bill Combs
>Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

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