Re: Were Greeks Happy?

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sun Jul 27 1997 - 14:46:34 EDT

At 01:53 PM 7/27/97 -0400, John R Russell wrote:
>Did the Greek language have any word that was in some way equivalent to
>the English word "happy"? The closest that I could come were MAKARIOS or
>XARA, both of which do not have our idea of happy.

Louw and Nida have a section from 25.116-25.134 that discusses words related
to happy, glad, and joyful. Here are some of them (the definitions are very
much abbreviated from the original L&N):

hILAROS: pertaining to being cheerfully happy
MAKARIOS: pertaining to being happy, with the implication of enjoying
favorable circumstances
EUFROSUNOMAI: to rejoice as an expression of happiness
XARA: a state of joy and gladness
XAIRW: to enjoy a state of happiness and well-being
SUGCAIRW: to enjoy a state of happiness or well-being together with someone else
SUNHDOMAI: to be happy as the result of the pleasure derived from some
experience or state
ASMENOS: pertaining to experiencing happiness, implying ready and willing
hHDEWS: pertaining to experiencing happiness, based primarily upon the
pleasure derived
ASPAZOMAI: to be happy about something, on the basis that it would prove
particularly welcome
EUFRAINW: to cause someone to be or become happy or glad
AGALLISIS: a state of intensive joy and gladness, often involving verbal
expression and appropriate body movement.
SKIRTAW: (a figurative extension of meaning of SKIRTAW: to 'jump for joy')
to be extremely happy, possibly implying in some contexts actually leaping
or dancing for joy

>If they did not have another term, can we draw a
>distinction between being happy and having joy?

Good question, but I don't know the answer. I know several theological
answers I've learned along the way, but I don't know that I trust that they
reflect the original biblical perspective. In fact, I'm not sure how I would
answer the question for everyday English.


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703

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