Romans 7:6 - Discharged APW TOU NOMOU. "This aspect of" NOMOU?

From: Wes Williams (
Date: Mon Dec 08 1997 - 22:37:26 EST

I just completed the most highly nuanced discussion over the keeping of the
law I think I will ever have. Our discussion finally centered on Romans
7:6. Someone produced the following paragraph in defense of the translation
of Romans 7:6 as "We have been released from this aspect of the Torah." I
would appreciate your comments as to the propriety/ plausibility of
inserting the words "this aspect of" between APW and TOU NOMOU.

I cannot see it since the next verse (v. 7) cites the tenth commandment as
part of the NOMOU from which Christians are released, and not a different
NOMOU or aspect of the NOMOU.

I would appreciate a focused discussion on the text itself.

Wes Williams

JNT Commentary, p. 376

6 Because Yeshua paid the penalty for our disobedience to the Torah, death,
*we have been released* (KATARGEW, as in v.2) *from this aspect of the
Torah,* the aspect of it which causes unbelievers to produce "fruit for
death" (v. 5). The phrase, "this aspect of," is not in the Greek text; I
have added it because believers have _not_ been released from _every_
aspect of the Torah, as explained below and in v.4N. In v.3 the phrase,
"that part of," is likewise not in the Greek text, yet it is obviously what
the text means, since the death of a woman's husband does not free her from
obedience to other aspects of the Torah. The present verse is analogous in
this regard.

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