Re: New critical ed. of James?

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Mon Dec 08 1997 - 17:28:56 EST

Rod Decker asks:
In the not too distant past someone (I forget whom) listed several items
re. textual criticism, including a reference to:

>just now published, by the Institute for NT Textual Research
>>in Muenster, the volume on James--the first part of what they are calling
>>_Novum Testamentum Graecum: editio critica maior_

I forwarded this note to our acquisitions librarian, but she can't locate
or identify the publication in question. Could anyone provide any
additional information on it?

The UBS puts it out; the American Bible Society display at AAR/SBL in SF
had a stack of them, and if you showed up late Monday morning, Barbara
Aland wold sign your copy!

I'm sure they have plenty in NYC. Call their 800-number (32 BIBLE).

Edward Hobbs

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