Conversion between different Greek encoding schemes

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Tue Dec 30 1997 - 10:32:54 EST

        Tangentially related with the encoding of Greek in ASCII characters
is the problem of the transformation of files using different encoding
schemes for the Greek. Some one year ago I wrote a small freeware
application for the transformation of the Greek text within a document from
the SMK (GreekKeys) key design to the design of the Linguist's Software
fonts (SuperGreek, Graeca, etc.) and vice versa. You can find more
information about the program (called "SMK<>SGreek" ) below. The schemes of
SMK and Linguist's software are the most employed among Mac users for the
encoding of ancient Greek. If you work with a Mac, and ever have the
necessity of transforming a file between those encodings, you can drop me a
letter and I'll send you the freeware application. You need HyperCard 2.1
or latter.
        Some months ago I had notice of another conversion program called
"GreekFontsConverter 1.2" written by Daniel BŽguin, which I haven't had the
opportunity to use, but looks much more powerful than "SMK<>SGreek", since
it works with around 7 Greek encoding Schemes (and from/to the Beta Code),
and is surely much faster. It is sharewhare and you can ask for it at the
author at


This is a bilingual English/Spanish

Dear List members,

I have written a Hyper Card stack that allows the user to transform the
Greek text within a document from the SMK (GreekKeys) key design to the
design of the Linguist's Software fonts (SuperGreek, Graeca, etc.) and vice
versa. The application, called "SMK<>SGreek" transforms only the Greek text
written with the font chosen by the user, and leaves the rest of the text
and document properties unchanged. It works with documents created by
virtually any commercial Mac word processor (MacWrite, WordPerfect, Nisus,
MSWord 3, 4, 5 y 6 at least). It is certainly not the best piece of
software you've seen, nor the fastest, but it does the job.
The application was written for private use, but since it may be of
interest to some list members, I can send it to any one who may need it.
The program is, of course, completely free, and can be copied and
re-distributed to other users. For them I have tried to do the interface as
simple as possible.

To use "SMK<>SGreek" you need:
           - A Macintosh computer with system 7.1 or latter
           - HyperCard 2.1 or later (Apple distributes a version of
HyperCard caller "player" with any model of Mac and PowerMac)

To transcribe a text you must follow these steps.

a) Save a copy of the document you want to transcribe.
b) Open the document from your word processor. Select "Save as..." from the
"File" menu and save the document as "Rich Text Format" or (RTF), then
close the application.
c) Go to "SMK<>SGreek" and choose the name of the SMK or Linguist's
Software font to be processed, and the destination font.
d) Clic the button labelled "age" (the name is not in English!).

That's all. If all goes well, you'll have a new document named after the
original document plus a ".smk" or ".sgr" extension, in the same folder as
the original.

The stack comes with full documentation in Spanish and a considerably
shorter README text file written in something that, I hope, looks like
English. If anyone has the patience to translate the instructions into
other language, please, send me the file so that I can incorporate it to
the stack for other users.

Please, read carefully the documentation. Never forget to do a copy of the
original. Never try to transcribe form a document saved in the "normal"
format of the word processor. And *never* *never* send the original
document to the trash without being absolutely sure that all the
characteristics of the texts have been preserved in the transcribed

"SMK<>SGreek" is intended to provide help to users working with documents
composed of Greek and any other non-Greek alphabet. To transcribe large
documents of only-Greek text from one font to any other font key design, I
would suggest the program "Transcribe" by J.C. Treat (downloadable from the
CCAT server) as a probably better, certainly faster method.

The function of "SMK<>SGreek" rests partly upon some CPATs and XCMD of
Pandora so that, like myself, other users of "SMK<>SGreek" should be
grateful to the Perseus Project for this one too. Thanks to Elly Myllonas
who allowed me to use the externals.

Comments, bugs, suggestions, etc. welcome chez

Estimados miembros de la lista Classics

He creado una pila de HyperCard (es decir, para Macintosh) que permite
convertir el texto griego de un documento escrito en cualquiera de los
dise–os SMK al dise–o de teclado de Lingust'a Software (LS) y viceversa,
dejando inalteradas las dem‡s partes del texto y respetando todas las
propiedades del documento de origen. El programa funciona con casi
cualquier procesador de textos para Mac (WordPerfect, MacWrite, Nisus,
MSWord 3,4,5 y 6 etc, pero no con editores de HTML ni con procesadores de
LaTex). Si alguno de ustedes est‡ interesado en recibir este programa,
llamado "SMK<>SGreek", puede mandar un mensaje a mi direcci—n de correo
electr—nico y se lo enviarŽ tan pronto como me sea posible. El programa es
completamente gratis, de manera que puede copiarse y re-distribuirse entre
quienes estŽn interesados por Žl.

Para usar "SMK<>SGreek" se necesita:

             - Un Mac con la versi—n 7.1 o posteriores del sistema (no
puedo garantizar lo que ocurrir’a con otras versiones)
             - Tener instalado HyperCard 2.1 o posterior. Apple distribuye
una vesri—n de HyperCard llamada HyperCard Player con todos sus equipos).

Para procesar un texto deben seguirse los siguientes pasos:

a) Haga una copia de seguridad del documento que desea procesar.
b) Abra el documento desde su procesador de textos habitual
c) Elija la opci—n "Salvar como..." en el menś "Archivo" (o dondequiera se
halle) y seleccione "Rich Text Format" (a veces aparece s—lo el acr—nimo
RTF). Cierre el documento (y la aplicaci—n, si su ordenador tiene poca
d) Vaya al programa "SMK<>SGreek". En la tarjeta "Conversor" seleccione la
fuente de origen (la que va a desaparecer) y la de destino (la que deseamos
que aparezca). Si alguna de ellas no es reconocida por el programa, deber‡
adem‡s indicar si pertenece al dise–o de GreekKeys o al de Linguist's
e) Haga clic en el bot—n "age": aparecer‡ una ventana con una barra que
indica el progreso de la operaci—n. Al llegar al final, tendr‡ su documento

Por favor, lea bien las instrucciones que vienen con el programa antes de
utilizarlo por primera vez (haga clic en el bot—n de "ayuda", o seleccione
"Ayuda" en el menś "SMK<>SGreek"). Aunque el funcionamiento del programa es
bastante sencillo, estas indicaciones entran en bastantes detalles que aqu’
no puedo tocar para no hacerme prolijo.

Agradecer’a cualquier comentario acerca del programa Áespecialmente si va
encaminado a mejorarlo! Si alguien encuentra algśn problema con un
documento, pr‡cticamente la śnica forma que tengo de ayudarle es que me
mande el documento *salvado en formato RTF* (de paso dirŽ que salvar en
este formato es probablemente la mejor soluci—n para transmitir documentos
con fuentes no latinas entre ordenadores Mac o PC).

Para hacer este programa he empleado varios recursos externos de Pandora,
con el permiso de The Perseus Project, por lo que quedo agradecido a Elli

Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas
c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha.

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