Gramcord notes on the article

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Thu Jan 01 1998 - 19:03:31 EST

I was poking through Gramcord's online grammar notes, and found a few
interesting tidbits. First, they actually define their terms when they talk
about definite, indefinite, and qualitative! Here are their definitions:

Definite: stresses individual identity
Indefinite: stresses membership in a class or group
Qualitative: normally with abstract substantives, stresses quality, nature,

Second, they make the claim that there are no undisputed examples of an
indefinite anarthrous pre-copulative predicate nominative construction.
Here is the quote:

Uses of the Anarthrous Pre-Copulative Predicate Nominative Construction:
B1) Predicate Nominative is DEFINITE: Matt 27:42; John 1:49; Rom 1:16; 1Cor
1:18; Heb 1:10
B2) Predicate Nominative is QUALITATIVE: Normally: John 1:14; John 5:10;
1John 4:8

B3) Predicate Nominative is INDEFINITE: No undisputed examples in the NT

Can anybody think of an example to dispute that?


Jonathan Robie

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