
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 17:14:12 EST

Greetings to all the B-greeker friends with best wishes for a great 98!

Last September's CHRISTIANITY TODAY had a thought-provoking article on
Cyberspace by Douglas Groothuis of Denver Seminary. He comments on the
danger than cyberexegesis may lead some to use the Bible •n a manner that
"divorces Scripture from its literary genre and contextal meaning. I can
run a program that gives me a host of texts on say *righteosness*, but the
program cannot present the meaning of each text in its context"

ìs there a real danger that computer use can foment either proof-texting or
the kind of word-study exegesis that James Barr attacked? How can this be

Juan Stam, Univ de Costa Rica

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