Please Don't Apologize

From: Ward Powers (
Date: Sun Jan 25 1998 - 20:37:02 EST

Dear b-greekers:

Please allow me to register a protest against apologies, and frequent
hesitations on the part of contributors who fear they may go beyond the
boundaries of what is permissible on-list.

Of late I have been heavily pressed timewise with my commitments, and I
have not had much to say on-list; but I always look at every posting to the
list. I have three comments about the postings:

1. This b-greek list constitutes us as a very distinctive kind of
community, joined electronically by our interest in the Greek Bible and the
fact that we know koine Greek (or, in the case of beginners, are willing
and desirous to do so). That being so, I am interested in what members of
this b-greek family think is worth saying, even when it is not strictly
about Greek.

2. Therefore let us allow each other the widest lattitude in what we
contribute. Some of the most interesting contributions from time to time
are those with little direct link to Greek. So be it. It is still a case of
some members of the b-greek family sharing chitchat with other members.
Overall, I reckon we exercise a pretty mature judgement about what we

3. When something does not interest me, whether it is about Greek or not, I
have become really adept at pressing the "delete" button. So simple to do.

So I say: Let us not go overboard in discussing issues not directly related
to Greek; but also: when we have something to say which we feel we would
like to share with the b-greek family even if it is not specifically about
Greek, let us boldly do so without apologies, and without looking over our
shoulder to see who is ready to pounce on us. And without being pounced upon.

To any who are unhappy with this approach: please use your delete button at
the first sign of the onset of irritation.



Rev Dr B. Ward Powers Phone (International): 61-2-9799-7501
10 Grosvenor Crescent Phone (Australia): (02) 9799-7501
SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 email:

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