Re: Please Don't Apologize

From: Jane Harper (
Date: Sun Jan 25 1998 - 22:54:37 EST

> 1. This b-greek list constitutes us as a very distinctive kind of
> community, joined electronically by our interest in the Greek Bible and the
> fact that we know koine Greek (or, in the case of beginners, are willing
> and desirous to do so). That being so, I am interested in what members of
> this b-greek family think is worth saying, even when it is not strictly
> about Greek.
> 2. Therefore let us allow each other the widest lattitude in what we
> contribute.

> So I say: Let us not go overboard in discussing issues not directly related
> to Greek; but also: when we have something to say which we feel we would
> like to share with the b-greek family even if it is not specifically about
> Greek, let us boldly do so without apologies, and without looking over our
> shoulder to see who is ready to pounce on us. And without being pounced upon.
At the risk of censure, let me venture agreement with Dr. Powers. I would also
add that responses of the nature of "What do you mean? And besides, you're
just plain wrong." -- like the one I received regarding my speculation on the
nature of truth -- are neither welcoming nor helpful.

There are far too many lists where newcomers and/or beginners have difficulty
fitting in. I hope this isn't one of them.

Jane Harper
Fuller Theological Seminary
The Thomas Christians: Speaking the words of liberation to all
"I have cast fire on the cosmos, and look! I guard it until it bursts into
flame." (Logion 10)

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