Re: Free Koine Greek Courses?

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Sat Apr 25 1998 - 14:34:29 EDT

Jeremy et al:

Yes, last fall I started a free online first year Greek course using
Machen. We are almost through the book now and have started a separate
exegesis list in John's Gospel that is running concurrently with it (we
are doing a verse by verse exgesis of John). The latter includes first
year students and more advanced students. I'm really excited about it
and those involved are doing guite well and seem committed and
enthusiastic. We have 27 or 28 actively involved.

I am hesitant to add more names now (since we have a nifty schedule
finally worked out), but could put you on as a lurker.

Another alternative is to get another exegesis list going, say, one in 1
John, or Mark.

If interested, check out the archives of our first year class using
Machen (find URL below).

Dr. Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Wilsonville, Oregon

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998 13:08:38 +0000 JPDow <> writes:
>Hello B-Greekers:
>With my current semester drawing to a close very soon, I am having
>thoughts that it is time for me to move on from Attic to Koine Greek
>(something which I have planned for some time now). I hope to do
>this over the upcoming summer months, if at all possible.
>Does anyone know of any *free* (or reasonably priced) course
>offerings in Koine Greek (preferably by mail), whether on the
>internet or elsewhere?
>I know of the Little Greek course, but I don't have the website URL
>anymore, so if someone could pass that on to me, I would appreciate
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>(732) 805-0311
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>the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness" (Romans 4:5,
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