Re: Reitzenstein Poimandres 1904

Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 14:24:09 EDT

Steven Cox inquires:

"Does anyone know anything about Reitzenstein's Poimandres 1904
cited in BAGD? It is not listed in LSJ.
The absence from LSJ and the title suggest it is a patristic
collection of some kind?"

It is NOT a collection, and not any sort of edition. It is Reitzenstein's
critical studies of the relationships between Graeco-Egyptian literature
and early Christian literature. It has not to my knowledge ever been
translated into English. Some of its essays had to be read by those of
us trying (in the Forties) to understand Hans Jonas's _Gnosis und die
spaetantiker Geist_, which we needed to understand in order adequately
to understand what Bultmann was writing, especially about the Fourth Gospel.

Full title: _Poimandres. Studien zur griechisch-aegyptischen und frueh-
christlichen Literatur_. Published in Leipzig in 1904.

Edward Hobbs

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