Re: an unwanted "year off"

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Fri Jul 24 1998 - 01:16:22 EDT

At 09:19 PM 7/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all! After finishing my first year of Greek at Fuller Extension, I've been
>looking forward to doing second year at GTU. Unfortunately, upon looking at
>the fall schedule I find that 2nd year Greek conflicts with my Intro to OT/NT
>courses ..
>I am hoping to return to Greek during my second year at GTU. Any suggestions
>on how to keep from losing my hard-won knowledge during the unwanted year off?
>I have an inductive study of the Gospel of John [I forget the author] and
>LeSor's 2 vol. inductive study of Acts; would those do the trick?

I have an easier solution- read the text through! Oh, it'll be hard at
first, but just reading, looking up the words you dont know, and having to
consider parts of speech etc will keep it all fresh.

As I tell students all the time- are you gonna take such a course (as
Greek), put hours of work into it, and then put it down never to use it
again? Thats crazy!

So just read. Take your text to church and follow along as its read aloud.
(It doesnt matter which English translation is used, they all help). Take
it with you to the park. Take it to the movies (but for heaven's sake, dont
spill anything on it). Always have it by your side so when you have a spare
moment you can read.

By the time you take the class in a year, you will know a lot!!!!!

>Thanks in advance

You are welcome in advance.

p.s.- throw away any interlinear you have- it will only cripple you in the
long run.

>Jane Harper


Jim West, ThD

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