Re: an unwanted "year off"

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jul 24 1998 - 08:25:46 EDT

At 09:19 PM 7/23/98 -0700, Jane Harper wrote:
>I am hoping to return to Greek during my second year at GTU. Any suggestions
>on how to keep from losing my hard-won knowledge during the unwanted year
I think the most important thing for me has been to read a short passage
out loud every day, perhaps 10 verses or so. First I read the text once or
twice, then I use Zerwick's Grammatical Analysis of the New Testament to
figure out what I couldn't grasp the first few times, then I read it out
loud again, slowly, with attention.

I don't always manage to do this every day, but I do find it very helpful.

Texcel Research

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