RE: Granville-Sharp in Matt 5:20??

From: Stevens, Charles C (
Date: Mon Jul 27 1998 - 17:23:27 EDT

I wrote:

<<If TWN GRAMMATEWN KAI FARISAIWN is correctly translated "of the
scribes of the pharisees", where is the rendering of the conjunction
"KAI" into English, and what is its function in the Greek text?>>

George Blaisdell responded:

<<When I first started following this thread, I read the above passage
as having both nouns joined by KAI as being governed by TWN, with the
resultant implicit TWN modifying FARISAIWN. This option has not
arisen in this thread, to my knowledge, and I am wondering why.>>

My opinion is that the *original* proposal -- "of the scribes of the
pharisees" does some violence to the idea that KAI joins GRAMMATEWN and
FARISAIWN, which is why I questioned that idea in the first place.
Aren't those who are objecting to the proposal on whatever level
presuming that it is the two nouns that are joined (as "equal partners")
by KAI? I think that function of KAI is indeed implicit in most if not
all of the counterarguments against "of the scribes of the pharisees".

    -Chuck Stevens [SMTP:]

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