Re: Eternal LIfe

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Thu Jul 30 1998 - 04:20:46 EDT

John Sweigart wrote;

>Fellow List-Members;
>I have recently been doing a NT study of ZWH AIWNION=ETERNAL LIFE. In
>doing so I find a significant block of usage of the phrase as an object
>of the preposition EIS. As so often happens, the translations are not
>uniform. Any suggestions? The only thing that comes to mind so far is a
>RESULT nuance i.e. resulting in eternal life.
John, this question must be answered in the context of specific statements.
A good one to look at is John 4:36 hO QERIZWN MISQON LAMBANEI KAI SUNAGEI
KARPON EIS ZWHN AIWNION, . . . This is also difficult to call. If in fact
you accept the category of acc. of result with EIS, then this is it. If
you do not then perhaps "measure" in the sense of time certainly not
space?? A key question may also be, "Is the writer alluding to the same
thing with both KARPON and EIS ZWHN AIWNION?" I would have expected him to
have the article before the prep. phrase in that case.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Pineville, LA 71359

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