From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Tue Sep 15 1998 - 13:12:19 EDT

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 01:28:31 EDT writes:
>In a message dated 9/14/1998 12:58:59 AM, you wrote:
><<I'll take a swing. We might want to consider the meaning of
>The translations render it rather differently: "no other" (RSV) versus
>"no such" (NKJV). I am at a loss. Is there any lexical basis
>for taking TOIAUTHN as "no other," implying a different kind of
>instead of "no such," meaning none "of such a kind" (BAG)?
>This normal meaning of TOIAUTHN is the apparent rationale for taking
>TOIAUTHN SUNHQEIAN with the immediately preceding FILONEIKOS.
>If anyone thinks or seems to be contentious, we have no such practice
>(of being contentious), nor do the churches of God (Calvin and
>Long drive deep to left. Going, going, gone. Fair or foul?
>Paul Dixon>>
>This leaves the question open about what they were being contentious
>about. It seems that the contention is about women praying and
prophesying >with their heads uncovered. It seems that Paul is arguing
that this is not
>appropriate, while some among the Corinthian community thought it might
be >since they assumed that in Christ Jesus there is no male or female.
>TOIAUTHN SUNHQEIAN OUK refers to the practice of women praying or
>prophesying with uncovered head.

Yes, I agree. It would seem rather abrupt to suddenly change his
argumentation about the propriety of the woman praying or prophesying
with her head uncovered to that of the propriety of arguing in the
in general in the first place.

I prefer, then, the translation, "we have no such practice (of women
praying or prophesying with their heads uncovered), nor do the churches
of God," instead of, "we have no other practice" (NIV), or "we
recognize no other practice." The latter, of course, are dynamic
but go too far, missing the mark of TOIAUTHN.

Paul Dixon

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