Fw: OUAI = "DAMN"?

From: Tolliver Family (tolliver@tstar.net)
Date: Mon Sep 14 1998 - 16:25:21 EDT

In "White Christmas" Vera Ellen and Rosemary Clooney portrayed "the Haynes
Sisters" and sang the song "Sisters"...Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye later(in
the movie) lip-synced and danced to the song as recorded by the "Sisters"

> > ...and that was within my lifetime!

It was before my lifetime, but the correct version is Mr. Conrad's:

> And why is it that the way I heard this was:
> "Lord help the mister
> Who comes between me and my sister
> And Lord help the sister
> Who comes between me and my man!"
> Actually, I'm not sure that I'm recalling the very same version, but what
> recall was a version sung in one of those old 1950's Christmas musicals.
> I too am inclined to take exception to the notion that Jesus was
> to the "educated pew folk" of his day.
The Pharisees!!!

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