Re: Septuagint apparatus

Date: Mon Sep 21 1998 - 18:29:39 EDT


This looked like an easy one to make a quick response to--
but after glancing, then puzzling, then staring, over
the LXX of Daniel,I can't find an example of your problem.
(I own half a dozen copies of LXX, including three of Rahlfs.)

Could you give an example--i.e., mention a passage where the apparatus
uses a Roman "M", not black-letter? I've even gone through the
Theodotion apparatus, also without success, trying to spot an example
of such an "M".

(There is a MS. "M", but it doesn't contain Daniel.)

Incidentally, the apparatus DOES assume that you can read Latin, and also
recognize common abbreviations of Latin words. I suspect that Rahlfs,
and other German scholars of his day, could not imagine that anyone would
be using scholarly tools without having Latin in hand; every student would
have studied it for years in the Gymnasium, before going to university.

But this does not seem to be your problem--I just can't find an example
of it.

Edward Hobbs

---------You wrote-->>>>>>>>>.

Quick, stupid brain-picking question from amateur lurker:

Am trying to go back to regaining lost (rotten) Hebrew, while
practicing rotten Greek, by reading Daniel in Heb & Sept together.
Problem is, Sept apparatus is using a capital M (regular font) not
covered in its abbreviations list. Is that just a slip-of-the-font
for the old-English (or whatever) M = Masoretic Text? Or is there a
standard abbreviation "M" that they expect everyone to recognize
without their bothering to list it? There are some such expressions
used, e.g., "inscr" for, I assume, "inscriptions."

Thank you for tutoring the unlettered.
Diana N. Shaw

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